What Sets Us Apart: Take-Offs and Quantity Verification

designer matrix takeoff and quantity verification confirmations

It’s time to choose your FF&E purchasing agent, and there are so many options out there, what sets them apart? How can you know who to choose for your project? FF&E procurement is largely similar in terms of general services across the board, whether it’s for hospitality, senior living and healthcare, multi-family, or other types of projects. What differentiates them is how they interact with the other teams involved, their communication level, how deeply involved they are in the process, and what they include as standard with each project. Today, we wanted to focus on the services that come standard with our FF&E procurement. Specifically, the confirmation of take-offs and the designer’s quantities.

One of the biggest things that can affect the timeline of a project, and in turn affect the budget, is lead times. Lead times on case goods, fabric and drapery, light fixtures, and of course freight times, are all managed with precision by your purchasing agent. But what happens when you are two nightstands short? What if you need to rush order some window coverings? If the count was short, and now things are on hold while the prices of a small rush order add unexpected and unnecessary strain on your timeline and budgets. Having a system to double check quantities can help to eliminate this occurrence.

designer matrix takeoff and quantity verification confirmations

Quantity Confirmations Alleviates Stress and Instills Confidence

When our project team receives the designer’s quantity matrix, our standard is to complete our own take-offs to confirm and provide a quantity verification. It’s just another added way we instill confidence and a sense of relief to our clients when completing the purchasing orders. Relieving as much stress as possible when it comes to FF&E and OS&E procurement is our main goal. While this step may seem like a small addition, it is a crucial part of the process to ensure accuracy.   

As we celebrate our 45th anniversary this year, we are also celebrating the things that make Beyer Brown stand out. Confirming the designer’s quantity matrix is just one way Beyer Brown is procuring peace of mind and fulfilling the extraordinary.

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